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Back Pain Relief

Chiropractor adjusting patientFrom the dawn of time, back pain has been the bane of human existence. In prehistoric times, cave people lugged around their young and food on foot, living without the basic necessities of everyday modern life. Severe back pain could drop a man, woman or child and possibly lead to starvation with the individual being stranded and unable to move depending on where the severe bout occurred. Imagine having a severe bout of back pain while climbing a tree, working on a scaffold, sailing a dinghy or riding a horse.

The Chiropractors at Perth Sports Injury Clinic have seen many forms of back pain from generalised back spasm to severe disc injuries that need immediate referral for medical intervention. For those of us that have experienced some back pain to date, imagine what it felt like at its worst and then imagine what it would feel like without any help from pain killers, health professionals, hospitals or GP’s.

Through the ages back pain has been an inevitable part of life but that need not be the case in these times. Knowledge about a whole plethora of health conditions and improvements in the way we live have helped people to become aware of important preventative factors relating to back pain including:

Quit smoking to help reduce back pain

We give ourselves the best chance of obtaining and maintaining good health with correct lifestyle choices. Smoking does not help improve circulation and therefore it is postulated that smoking may hypothetically contribute to back pain through reduced nutrition to the joints, discs and muscles throughout the spine, including the lower back.

Do core exercises for the abs and lower back to help reduce back pain

Back pain can be managed with chiropractic care at Perth Sports Injury Clinic but by doing home exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and stretch the gluteals our patients can gain themselves extra protection from back pain and back spasm.

Have work place ergonomic assessments to reduce desk based strain and back pain

Use ergonomic and work place assessments for office and desk based employees of big organisations to help improve posture and take the strain off the lower back, neck and shoulders. Call Perth Sports Injury Clinic for a workplace ergonomic assessment (08) 9383 7882.

Recreational exercise to help reduce back pain

Carry out some form of light to moderate exercise on a daily basis to keep the back supple and the heart and lungs in tune with one another. Pilates and Yoga to help keep your posture in its optimal alignment.

Want to Learn More?

If you think that you or a loved one are a good candidate for Chiropractic care, contact Perth Sports Injury Clinic to arrange a thorough examination. (08) 9383 7882


Back Pain Relief Perth, Wembley, Floreat WA | (08) 9383 7882