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Low Back Pain

It’s a common ailment that 80% of Australian adults will end up experiencing at least a single bout of in their lives — low back pain. Often extremely painful, low back pain isn’t usually an indicator of any serious health problem and can be resolved simply and quickly. At Perth Sports Injury Clinic, our range of services can relieve your discomfort and help you get back to living your life.

The services that may be appropriate for you include chiropractic care, physiotherapy, exercise classes, acupuncture and massage therapy. A comprehensive evaluation will allow us to determine which of these is most appropriate for you.

Activities to Relieve Low Back Pain

Older man with lower back painWe recommend that you stay active as much as possible to manage your low back pain. No specific type of exercise is best, but you could try:

  • Cycling
  • Dancing, tai chi or yoga
  • Gardening
  • Running or walking
  • Swimming

Exercise may have physical as well as emotional benefits and can diminish anxiety and depression levels. With physical activity, you can feel happier and more focused on your priorities.

Preventing a Recurrence of Low Back Pain

After we’ve succeeded in relieving your pain, continuous exercise can help you maintain your progress and prevent a reinjury from occurring. Moderate evidence shows that exercising at this stage can stop subsequent episodes of low back pain. To keep improving, you must have an increasingly difficult exercise program that increases your range of motion and strengthens your muscles, particularly in the lower back. You could try walking up hills or carrying extra weights. Our exercise experts can assist you in planning a suitable training program for whichever form of exercise you prefer.

To find out more or to get started, contact our team today. We’ll be happy to co-manage your case with your other healthcare professionals.


Low Back Pain | (08) 9383 7882